

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Key dates/ Holy days (Holidays)

  • Shinto New Year (Oshogatsu or Shogatsu): Shintoists consider this holiday one of the most popular celebrations, where many shrine visits take place.
  • Adults' Day (Seijin Shiki): This celebration pertains to Japanese individuals who have reached the legal age of adulthood, which is 20 in the country, during the previous year.
  • Festival of Dolls (Hina-matsuri): This holiday is devoted to the daughters in a family.
  • Labor Thanksgiving Day (Niinamesei): This national holiday takes place in Japan and was originally meant as a harvest festival, allowing people to appreciate their harvest and have a chance to share in the joy with Kami.
  • Spring Festival (Haru Matsuri or Toshigoi-no-Matsuri): During this festival, participants pray that they will receive a decent harvest.
  • Annual Festival (Rei-sai): Usually taking place on the day of the Annual Festival, people set up mini-shrines (called mikoshi) during the Divine Procession (Shinko-sai).